CBH Cranbrook Rail Extension
Client: LOR Location: Cranbrook, WA
CBH are expanding their rail infrastructure at their Cranbrook site.
The project is specifically addressing issues with the loading of trains and other key constraints including the excessive need for train splitting and shunting, poor out loading performance, limited ability to store a train load of product on demand, and safety implications with trains blocking roads and the mainline.
CBH Cranbrook Rail Siding and Facility Construction
Stage 1: Construction of 1400m of a new rail line, teeing back into the existing line.
Stage 2: Construction of the grain in loading/ out loading and TLO facility.
The CBH Cranbrook Rail Extension project is split into two work packages.
SP1 is the rail works package. As part of this package, Jurovich Surveying will be involved in remediation and monitoring of the existing rail line, as well as the construction 1400m of new rail.
Survey scope includes clearing setout, earthworks, drainage, concrete works, services, structural installation and track works.
SP2 is the loading facility package. Survey scope includes clearing, earthworks, civil/concrete works, SMP for all structural and mechanical installs and site wide final asbuilts.