Perth & Peel In 2050
The WA Government has estimated that by 2050 the Perth and Peel regions will reach a population of 3.5 million, considerably higher than the current two million.
The Perth and Peel @3.5million report has been created to identify what the area is like now, areas which will be in need of attention and created four sub-regional planning frameworks for the region.
Each of the Central, North-West, North-East and South Metropolitan Peel frameworks looks at the current landscape and population and then estimates what it would be facing in 2050. It identifies areas where existing infrastructure improvement is needed in order to accommodate a larger population, but while also protecting environmental areas.
The location of future homes and jobs and a timeline which identifies the sequence of future development is also two major themes considered within the report.
Jurovich Surveying
More people will mean higher density living across the metropolitan area. If you own a larger block and are considering subdivision, please contact us.
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